Facebook Ads – Conversions​


Facebook Ads – Conversions are a type of Facebook advertising campaign that shows ads to people most likely to take a value-creating action, such as making a purchase or adding payment information on a website or in an app. app or in Messenger.


  • Install Facebook Pixel on website.
  • Set up conversion events.
  • Deploy an advertising campaign with the goal of Conversions.
  • Set advertising campaign budget.
  • Set up a potential customer file.
  • Create advertising content.
  • Monitor the implementation process.
  • Optimize advertising effectiveness based on campaign results and implementation costs.


  • Navigate potential customers to the landing page. Thereby stimulating purchasing behavior or communication, thereby accessing the image of the business and product.
  • Sell products or services, increase sales.
  • Collect a lot of data and behavior of potential customers to serve future remarketing campaigns through Facebook Pixel and help AI distribute ads to potential customers more and more accurately.